Rompetrol has a tradition of over 15 years in supporting elite cultural events, backing the George Enescu International Festival and Competition.

This year, from August 31 to September 27, the 19th edition of the George Enescu International Competition will take place in Bucharest. Over 555 young musicians from 57 countries have registered in the four categories: violin, cello, piano, and composition. This is the highest number of participants in a single edition since the launch of the international competition in 1958.

The audience will be able to follow the performances of the 149 finalists from violin, cello and piano sections, from September 1 to 22, 2024, in Bucharest, according to the schedule available on the official Enescu Competition website, which can be accessed at this link:

The competition finals will represent moments of maximum interest for music lovers, with conductor Jonathan Bloxham taking the podium of the National Radio Orchestra for the cello section final on September 10, Alan Buribayev conducting the George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra for the violin section final on September 16, and Christian Reif leading the George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra in the piano competition final on September 22, 2024.

The 19th edition of the Competition will open at the Romanian Athenaeum on August 31, 2024, with the Gala Concert performed by the National Radio Orchestra, with Luxembourg cellist Benjamin Kruithof, Romanian violinist Maria Marica, and Israeli pianist Alexandra Segal.

The last symphonic concert will take place on September 27, 2024, at the Romanian Athenaeum, where Conductor Cristian Măcelaru, Artistic Director of the Enescu Competition and Festival, will take the podium of the Romanian Youth Orchestra, to present a gala of Romanian-French music featuring works by George Enescu, Dan Dediu, Hector Berlioz, Claude Debussy, Igor Stravinsky, and Louise Farrenc.

As every year for the past 15 years, September at Rompetrol is dedicated to George Enescu and classical music, whether we are talking about the Festival or the Competition. Throughout the duration of the Competition, the company features a classical music playlist in its fuel stations as well as in the Rompetrol Go mobile app, where it can be downloaded and listened to for free.

Music – energy for sustainable living!