Rompetrol aims to responsibly grow its business to become one of the largest independent oil companies in Europe, with a strong position in the Black Sea and Mediterranean regions. The Group conducts its operations in compliance with all available national and international regulations, constantly driving performance and generating operational improvements so as to benefit its wide range of stakeholders.

Our global strategy provides comprehensive directions on developing our customer and operational strategic priorities as we work with customers and suppliers to ensure responsible business operations. In accordance with Rompetrol’s major player status in the oil and gas industry in the region, we continually drive performance improvements and change to positively impact all our stakeholders.

Supply Chain

We are committed to conducting business with ethical and socially responsible suppliers for procurement of goods, services and activities.

Download Supplier Code of Conduct

At KMG International, we are committed to managing our supply chain operations with the highest standards of proficiency, transparency, and integrity, targeting to have ethical and socially responsible suppliers for procurement of goods, services and activities.

We adhere strictly to our corporate policies and guidelines, ensuring full compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

We constantly monitor our trading and supply chain activities that cover three major business areas:

  • feedstock acquisition
  • planning and production optimization of the three refineries of the group
  • volumes allocation and logistics for all subsidiaries in Romania and in The Black Sea and Mediterranean regions

Rompetrol has developed an extensive, efficient and sustainable supply chain network which covers the purchase of feedstock, planning and production optimization, allocation of volumes and overall logistics for the Group’s subsidiaries.
We base our procurements on competitive bidding and the principles of transparency, non-discrimination and equal treatment of bidders. Rompetrol’s Procurement Department works continuously to make our operations sustainable, being aware of the importance of social justice and environmental protection.

In our ongoing commitment to sustainability, we acknowledge the essential role that our suppliers have in helping us maintain environmentally responsible and socially sustainable operations. Collaborating with suppliers who uphold sustainability helps us manage risks and enhances our business longevity.

We expect our suppliers to meet the same stringent standards of environmental care and social responsibility that we adhere to. We have defined a Supplier Code of Conduct that outlines expected principles, such as human rights, safe working conditions, environmental protection, and ethical behavior, which all suppliers must follow.

A core expectation for our suppliers is complete compliance with all relevant national and international regulations. We require our suppliers to promote fair employment and responsibly manage environmental issues.
Having such a complex and well-developed supply chain, managing and monitoring compliance with our standards in this area can become challenging.

As part of our supplier engagement, we focus on local procurement, with about 80% of our spending on local suppliers.

Quality and customer management

Rompetrol seeks to provide environmental, social and economic value through its products and services by constantly appraising and improving its portfolio in line with market demand and customer input.

Guided by our passion for quality and innovation, we embed sustainability into every aspect of our activity pertaining to product and service development.
Customer and employee satisfaction, surveyed annually by Rompetrol through extensive market studies, always play a significant role in the development of the company’s business plan, offer and marketing activities.

We maintain trusted and long-term business relationships with many of our customers.
The satisfaction of our customers is a key element of what we do.