We are part of an extended community, the company being actively involved in the community we are part of and committed to supporting the sustainable development of the area in which we operate, through financial investment and expertise. We work with NGOs, local authorities, and other entities to identify community needs and develop projects and initiatives to respond to them. We are determined to build solid partnerships and contribute to continuous, long-term, and sustainable development for the benefit of all our stakeholders.

Ask for sponsorship

You can let us know if the organization you represent needs sponsorship or if you have suggestions for local communities and causes we could support.

Ask here

We focus on the following key areas:


The health and safety of our community members is as important to us as the health and safety of our employees. We invest in hospitals, provide support to medical staff and NGOs that provide specialized assistance to patients (both medical and palliative care at home or in hospitals).

We provide equipment, medical devices, uniforms, fuel, protective equipment, everything necessary to support the medical act.


We monitor the impact of our operations and invest in modern and environmentally friendly technologies. Planet Earth is our legacy for future generations, and we support afforestation and innovative green energy solutions. Every year, we carry out afforestation activities in accordance with the national forestry legislation, which involves soil analysis, development of technical afforestation projects, tree planting, replenishment of forests and caring for them until maturity.


Our partnerships with the universities of Constanta and Prahova ensure future generations of high-performing employees. At the same time, we develop partnerships with various organizations, supporting their mission to transform the educational system in Romania, and we offer the necessary means for children in our communities to continue their educational journey.


We connect communities through music and film, supporting the “George Enescu” International Festival and Competition for over 15 years, a reference event in the field, and Kazakh Film Days.

We proactively engage and support communities in a variety of ways and respond to their demands and concerns in a timely and transparent manner. That's why we work closely with our local partners to find out their needs and help them move forward.

Our projects aim to make a positive impact on communities and make a difference, whether it's health and wellbeing, culture and education, skills development and leadership, or social and environmental issues.


Partnership with the SMURD Foundation

Rompetrol has been actively supporting the Romanian healthcare system for the past 15 years by strengthening its long-term partnership with the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD) and the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (ISU).
Over the years, Rompetrol's support has varied, including providing fuel for medical helicopters, uniforms for volunteers, medical equipment, rehabilitation and equipping of several medical units, acquisition of fully equipped mobile training centers, ECMO medical devices, protective equipment for  rescuers, a mobile intensive care unit with beds, a modern training system for rescuers using VR technology, as well as a portable ultrasound device and an analyzer that ensures rapid patient evaluation and essential blood tests with immediate results, crucial for monitoring critical patients during transport.

Blood donation campaign

To support blood donation at the national level, Rompetrol in partnership with the Blood Transfusion Center, the Department for Emergency Situations and the SMURD Foundation launched the campaign “Donate blood, save a life and Rompetrol rewards you” between March and May 2022 which totaled over 63,000 donors nationwide.

A similar project was carried out by Rompetrol in 2020, during the pandemic, and during the 2 months of the campaign, approximately 20,000 liters of blood were collected, involving over 44,000 donors.

Mobile intensive care unit

In 2020, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, the Group acquired, in partnership with the Romanian National Red Cross Society, a mobile intensive care unit with 12 beds, which was donated to ISU/SMURD, as part of the strategic civil protection reserve. This fully equipped facility can be used anywhere in the country during the pandemic, but also afterwards during calamity or disaster situations, and aims to increase the capacity of hospitals to provide high quality care for patients.

Medical aid for local hospitals

Together with our partners, the SMURD Foundation, we purchased intensive care beds, individually equipped with ventilators, vital signs monitoring system, consoles with injectomats, infusion pumps and donated to the intensive care unit of the Ploiești County Hospital.

The donated medical equipment meets all clinical requirements, provides critical patients with continuous monitoring, as well as high standard intensive care. As a result, the capacity of the special intensive care unit (ICU) of the Ploiești County Emergency Hospital increased to 20 patients simultaneously.

Thus, the effort continued starting the end of 2020, when Rompetrol purchased four intensive care beds with all the necessary equipment, which were donated to the Constanța County Hospital and the Matei Balș Hospital in Bucharest.

SMURD mobile training centers

We have donated two mobile training centers to SMURD for use in SMURD paramedic training and emergency medical assistance programs (in 2018).

Medical Center in Năvodari

In 2023, Rompetrol donated modern medical equipment worth over USD 400,000 to the Multifunctional Health Center in Năvodari. The donation included advanced radiology equipment, facilities for the obstetrics-gynecology department, and equipment for immunology and microbiology laboratories. This initiative benefits the 44,000 residents of Năvodari. The project was carried out in collaboration with various partners: the Constanța County Emergency Hospital, the Năvodari City Hall, and the Constanța County Council.

The Multifunctional Health Center in Năvodari was opened in 2020 to expand the infrastructure and quality of medical services in the Dobrogea area. The two-story medical facility covers an area of over 800 square meters and offers outpatient and emergency services in a space that meets all current health regulations and is equipped with high-quality equipment. The unit includes an external workstation of the Constanța Emergency Department, providing emergency services, a medical analysis laboratory, and an outpatient clinic specializing in surgery, cardiology, neurology, obstetrics, gynecology, radiology, and orthopedics.

The group also purchased and donated medical equipment for the health center in the commune of Corbu, Constanța. The equipment (portable ultrasound, vital signs monitor, defibrillator, stretcher, oxygen concentrator, EKG machines, sterilizer, beds) will serve the 6,500 residents of the villages of Luminița, Vadu, and Corbu.

In partnership with the SMURD Foundation, the group equipped the Năvodari Health Center with medical equipment and supplies worth EUR 300,000, including high-quality microbiology, immunology, and radiology equipment.

Construction of the MRI anesthesia room at the Bucharest Oncological Institute

In December 2020, Rompetrol and the “Dăruiește Aripi” Association completed the construction and equipping of the MRI anesthesia room at the Bucharest Oncological Institute. The beneficiaries are hundreds of children from all over the country, hospitalized annually with oncological conditions, who thus avoid trips to other hospitals and can complete the entire program of medical tests and specialized treatment in one place. Previously, due to the absence of adequate space, MRI examination of small children was not possible. The pediatric oncology department in this hospital is the largest in the country, the MRI exam being essential in the decision-making process regarding chemotherapy protocols, as well as in the disease monitoring process.

Investment in the modernization of Constanţa County Hospital

Rompetrol, in partnership with "Dăruieşte Aripi" Association, carried out two projects to modernize the obstetrics-gynecology post-surgery unit and, respectively, the emergency reception unit of the Constanţa County Emergency Clinical Hospital, which serves a population of about one million inhabitants in the Dobrogea area. The post-surgery unit in the obstetrics section has 9 electrically adjustable beds and was equipped with monitors and medical furniture, as well as 4 UVC light disinfection devices. It will also have an electrocardiograph, a defibrillator, a syringe and a secretion aspirator. More than 5,000 patients are hospitalized in the section annually, with various pathologies, while more than 700 require surgical interventions. Rompetrol also supported the rehabilitation works on an area of over 600 square meters in the emergency reception unit, and the installation of a heavy traffic antibacterial PVC carpet, in compliance with the current standards in the field, which will provide optimal sanitary conditions.


Ophtalmological equipment for Corbu Medical Center

In partnership with the "Dăruieşte Aripi" Association, Rompetrol purchased and donated ophthalmology equipment for the health center in Corbu commune, Constanţa. The medical unit is now fully equipped with high-quality ophthalmological equipment and will serve the 6,500 inhabitants of the villages of Luminița, Vadu and Corbu.

The medical center in Corbu was fully rehabilitated in 2021 by the City Hall and equipped, through a Rompetrol investment, with beds, portable ultrasound, vital functions monitor, defibrillator, oxygen concentrator, EKG, sterilizer.

Medical equipment for the Năvodari Health Center

High-performance radiology equipment Rompetrol financed the acquisition of state-of-the-art radiology equipment, a total investment of $223,000. This will help the health center treat a much wider spectrum of medical emergencies in Năvodari, being absolutely necessary for medical personnel. Further investments in the local medical facilities target a medical analysis laboratory within the Năvodari Multifunctional Health Center.

We invested also in a obstetrics-gynecology room, in the amount of over $80,000 and consists of establishing and fully equipping an obstetrics-gynecology office within the local health center in Năvodari. This includes ultrasound, optical colposcope, autoclave sterilizer with osmosis, fetal monitor cardiograph and all the specific medical instruments and furniture.

Facilitation of medical transport

Soul driver

In March 2020, a state of emergency was established in response to the pandemic, and in the context of the health crisis, children with oncological conditions faced major restrictions due to the high degree of risk.

The Magic Association and Rompetrol launched “Soul driver”, a project that mobilized a large community of volunteers with their own cars, to ensure the safe transport of children from home to hospital and back home. Since then, Rompetrol has been providing the fuel needed to transport children who need cancer treatment, thus helping families who already bear the burden of high drug-related costs.

More than 2,500,000 km traveled in total – the amount that exceeds the distance from the Earth to the Moon

  • Over 350 volunteers involved in the project
  • Over 16,000 children and parents
  • 1,134 refugees benefited from transport
  • Longest traveled distance for one patient: 1,908 km
  • No COVID cases, no road accidents
  • All children arrived on time for treatment

See the story of the volunteers and its beneficiaries


“Soul Driver” is the project started by the Magic Association and Rompetrol in 2020, with the start of the pandemic. Rompetrol provides fuel, and volunteers from all over the country transport the sick free of charge, under safe conditions, from home to the hospital and back home. Most of the beneficiaries are patients with oncological conditions, especially children. There are hundreds of people involved and hundreds of thousands of kilometers traveled so far.


16,422 patient children and their parents arrived at the hospital for cancer treatment, safely. Soul Driver is fueled with a lot of passion from volunteers and Rompetrol fuel. Find out the story of the soul passengers and how much this initiative helped them.


The project "Soul Driver" means a community of over 350 volunteers, amazing people who set off at any time of the day or night, in any season, to drive safely, and free of charge, from home to the hospital and back home children who need specialized medical treatment, mainly oncological.

Partnership with “Daruiește Aripi”

Rompetrol actively supports the activities of the "Dăruiește Aripi" Association by backing the home care project for children with oncological conditions in Bucharest and nine other counties in the country. Initiated in 2018, the project has covered over 110,000 kilometers in support of 370 children with cancer. Each of the 1,800 home visits spared children from trips to the hospital, hospitalizations, and time spent in waiting rooms.

The project's objective is to increase access to free medical services for sick children, especially those in disadvantaged rural areas. It includes those medical procedures from the treatment plan that can be safely performed at home, at the recommendation and under the close supervision of a pediatric oncology specialist.

Run & Care - Join the race for good

Rompetrol Run and Care is a charitable event with a 10-year tradition, where colleagues, partners, and sports enthusiasts from everywhere contribute by running to support various humanitarian causes. The kilometers run are converted by Rompetrol into money or liters of fuel donated to various NGOs. Since its launch, the project has gathered over 5,000 runners in the community and the company has donated over 100,000 euros to various social causes.

The goal of the project is to associate a team activity with a charitable cause, promoting the spirit of individual and social responsibility. In 2023, over 400 runners covered 3,000 kilometers, which were converted into liters of fuel donated by Rompetrol to support the M.A.M.E Association, an organization that, since 2009, has been offering support, counseling, and psycho-socio-medical recovery for sick and underprivileged children and their families.



Planting for cleaner air

We are involved in reforestation activities in our operational areas as well as across the country in regions severely affected by deforestation. Tree planting helps capture carbon dioxide, with forests being among the most important storage sources for it. This effort is part of the "Planting Good Deeds" program.

Through the "Planting Good Deeds in Romania" initiative, Rompetrol has planted approximately 60,000 trees over the past three years, mainly in the counties of Prahova, Constanța, and Ilfov.

Planting activities are carried out in accordance with national forestry legislation and include soil analyses, technical reforestation projects, tree planting, forest additions, and care until the young forest matures.

Reforestation in the Parâng-Cindrel Mountains of the Southern Carpathians

Fifty volunteer colleagues planted forest seedlings in Păltiniș to continue the regeneration of the forest heritage in the Parâng-Cindrel Mountains of the Southern Carpathians. The volunteers worked together with forestry specialists and received a practical lesson and valuable information about reforesting areas with forest vegetation.

On Sustainability Day, Rompetrol employees planted 10,000 trees in Sibiu County. This reforestation initiative, covering 2.4 hectares, aligns with European regulations on greenhouse gas management and also contributes to the resilience of the local ecosystem to the impacts of climate change.

Civil Society Gala

For 21 years, we have been the main partner of the Civil Society Gala, an annual event that awards the best initiatives and community projects carried out by non-governmental organizations, initiative groups, and individuals. It is a representative project in recognizing and appreciating activities in the associative sector in Romania. Under the concept of "Good for Tomorrow," the 2023 edition was dedicated to young people involved in civil society activities and recognized today's actions that contribute to building a better future for the next generations. The competition included 238 civic initiatives, comprising 182 projects, 23 programs, and 33 social campaigns implemented between 2021-2022. Emphasizing the importance of youth involvement in society, the Gala highlighted their capacity to generate innovative solutions adapted to societal challenges.


Chess in school

Chess in School is a project initiated in 2021, within which chess lessons have been organized both in-person and online, including visits and open classes, as well as chess competitions for children in the counties of Constanța, Prahova, and at the national level.  Rompetrol has supported the development of a chess manual for the first, second, and third years of study, printed in over 58,000 copies and distributed to children in urban and rural areas nationwide. 

In Romania, chess is not a subject included in the school curriculum, but the benefits of this sport are evident, helping children to apply logical thinking in their daily lives. 

Results of the Chess in School project:  

 • Over 2,000 teachers involved;
 • Since the project's inception, over 75,000 children have participated in training sessions for this mind sport, while 50,000 children have taken part in chess-related events;
 • In the past year, more than 30,000 hours of chess have been conducted;
 • Over 58,000 textbooks have been printed and distributed free of charge;
 • More than 10,000 chess sets have been handed out to students for free.

“Ready for career” internship program

In August 2023, Rompetrol introduced a revamped training initiative, Together We Grow – Rompetrol Traineeship, catering to 100 participants keen on pursuing careers in the energy sector. The rebranded internship program, Together We Grow, seamlessly integrated all components of the previously highly successful 22-year-old internship program, creating a comprehensive experience for Trainees, Mentors, and the broader Rompetrol community.

Rompetrol companies, including Rompetrol Rafinare, Midia Marine Terminal, Rompetrol Quality Control, Rominserv, Rompetrol Well Services, and Rompetrol Energy, once againopened their doors to facilitate hands‑on training. Over 70 Mentors, specialized professionals from various sectors, supported practical modules conducted at key locations such as Petromidia Năvodari and Vega Ploiesti refineries, as well as in the areas of activity of Rompetrol Well Services or Rompetrol Energy.

Beyond technical skills, the Traineeship program emphasized soft skills development through the “Leaders Explore” program. Participants engaged in honing skills like Communication, Teamwork, and Personal Branding, culminating in the design and implementation of acommunity project known as the Community Challenge.

The Trainees were compensated for the two-month program, concluding in September with the award of a Together We Grow - Rompetrol Traineeship graduate certification and a personal development program certificate, together with the Leaders Foundation  

KMG International (Rompetrol) has a history of supporting training initiatives, having contributed to the development of over 1,600 individuals, some of whom continue to serve as valuable employees within the member companies.

Education for underserved communities

In 2021, Rompetrol supported the CONCORDIA Humanitarian Organization to fulfill its mission by providing care and education for children and young people from family-type foster homes, professional education, professional training, and counseling, sheltered housing, workshops for the development of independent life skills, night shelter, day center for children and community services. The program was carried out mainly in Prahova County (in Ploiești and Ariceștii Rahtivani), but also in Bucharest and Dâmbovița, offering annual support to over 2,000 disadvantaged people. Also, through the financial support provided during the pandemic, food, supplies, clothing and footwear, social and medical assistance, counseling and psychological therapy, financial education, personal development, and training for an independent life were provided for young people.

Partnership with AVE and Teach for Romania

Starting 2021, Rompetrol is a partner of the AVE and Teach for Romania associations, with the aim of developing leadership and management skills for school principals, in order to improve the educational results of the schools they lead, as well as supporting teachers to continue teaching in isolated rural areas of the country.

Support for “CONCORDIA” organization

In partnership with the “CONCORDIA” Humanitarian Organization, Rompetrol continues to support in Prahova County the activities of children in family-type foster homes and young people in social housing or enrolled in professional training courses. The financial aid during the pandemic covered the need of young people in the state protection system for food, school supplies, clothing and shoes, social and medical assistance, psychological counseling and therapy, financial education, personal development, and skills for an independent life.


George Enescu Festival and International Competition

Since 2010 Rompetrol has supported the George Enescu Festival and Competition, a classical music event, with the participation of Romanian and international musicians.

During the events, the company introduces a classical music playlist in gas stations and in the Rompetrol Go mobile application, which can be downloaded and listened to for free by classical music enthusiasts.

Kazakh film days

Rompetrol is actively involved in cultural programs and projects designed to promote the social and cultural values of Romania and Kazakhstan, both nationally and internationally. Exploring the diversity of Kazakh culture, Rompetrol sponsored the Kazakhstan Cultural Days, hosting events in Cluj-Napoca from November 3-5, 2023. The Kazakh Film Festival, painting exhibition, and film screenings provided the public with opportunities for cultural exchange, offering the community a unique chance to discover and appreciate Kazakh traditions.


Playgrounds for the local community

Through Rominserv, our industrial service provider, we invested in the construction of 4 new playgrounds in Ploiești and 3 in Blejoi, in partnership with the local town halls. The new playgrounds were designed to blend harmoniously into the urban landscape, being paved with elastic rubber tiles, equipped with modern urban furniture, and play equipment in pleasant colors, all in full compliance with the quality and safety standards in force.

Playground in Corbu Commune

We have provided the community of Corbu Commune with an area of over 300 square meters, equipped with high-quality playground equipment - benches, slides, swings, seesaws, and other structures placed on surfaces paved with elastic rubber tiles, ensuring safety and comfort for users. The new playground meets the highest standards imposed by current legislation.

Ask for sponsorship

Over the years, the company has developed strong local partnerships in social responsibility projects developed for the communities in which we operate. Through dialogue with different stakeholders, including NGOs, local authorities and communities, government or actors from academia and civil society, we believe we can identify the right opportunities for sustainable development.

You can let us know if the organization you represent needs sponsorship or if you have suggestions for local communities and causes we could support.