Ramps Unit Manager, MMT
In Petromidia since 1987

Do you remember your first day in the company? How did you feel, what did you do?
I was fascinated by everything I saw, everything was new because I came from an enterprise in the light industry where I was used to looms and fabrics, and all the installations were on the ground. When I got here, there were plants built vertically.

Did you have any mentor then? Or who inspired you at the beginning of the journey?
Back then, there were only benevolent colleagues who could teach you a few things. However, the idea that "the job is stolen, not learned" was strong. Then, as it is now, the craft is learned but it also teaches you something. Practicing makes you more confident and better at it.


What was your greatest career challenge and how did you overcome it?
The biggest challenge and, at the same time, the biggest achievement is the fact that I was able to train young people who further developed and were promoted to the positions of foremen and engineers.

What is the biggest challenge in the department you work right now?
Attention in operation is very important! Together with the sector chiefs and MMT foremen, we are trying to educate all the staff in this direction, as workplace safety is our responsibility, all of us.

Name three values, skills, or rules needed to be successful in the field.
The desire for learning and self-empowerment, the capacity for sustained work and the choice of real short-term goals.

What do you think is that secret ingredient of a successful mentor? Are you a mentor with more direct guidance or do you offer more autonomy?
I present the activity in the terminals as a story that I try to make attractive for each of the trainees and adapt my story according to their wishes. After the presentation, they go to terminals with the best trained operators, while I continue to monitor them remotely and correct their work where and if necessary.

What values/skills do you appreciate most about Liliana?
I want the candidate for a position within Midia Marine Terminal to be a person willing to learn something new, who has the ability to experience working in more special conditions and who you can rely on in case of need.



Logistic Foreman, MMT
In Petromidia since 2019

Tell us briefly, what made you apply to the TogetherWeGrow – Rompetrol Traineeship program?
During my studies I was interested in applying for a job in a field that would allow me to develop professionally the opportunity to develop other skills. Thus, after taking part at the workshop organized by colleagues from Human Resources, called "Prepared for a career" at the university, I decided that this is the place where I want to start my career.

What was your biggest fear when you came into the company? How did you overcome it?
To be honest, I had no fears. Maybe I was just a bit nervous due to the fact that I graduated from university, where everything was theory, and entered the gates of the refinery where I saw the applicability of my knowledge.

How important is it to have a mentor early on, and what is the most important piece of advice you received from the mentor?
Throughout our lives, our steps are guided by our parents, teachers, etc., without us realizing that they are our mentors. As a young student, I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Catalin Bogdan Ghita during the traineeship program, who guided me throughout my journey until now. One of the most important pieces of advice I received from my mentor was this: "Learn, learn, learn!".

What are the biggest challenges you are currently facing?
There were challenges at all stages of my development, but the biggest challenge came only when I was promoted as a Foreman. In this role I had more responsibilities, but with the help of my mentor I easily overcame the new challenges.

What skills or competencies would you like to develop more?
I believe it is important to constantly develop yourself to be prepared to deal with unforeseen situations. Working in a team, I realized that conflicts could arise even between the members of the most well-adjusted teams, and it is usually the job of the foreman to resolve any misunderstandings to get better results.

For better personal and professional development, what would you like mentor-trainee collaboration and communication to look like?
I believe that open-minded acceptance of feedback and constructive criticism from the mentor is an essential component of a good mentor-trainee relationship.

What are the values/skills you appreciate the most in your mentor Catalin Bogdan Ghita?
There are many qualities for which I appreciate my mentor, but I will say only two of them: the impressive level of knowledge he has in the field and his willingness to share it with us, newcomers in the company.