Laurenția Țiclete

Technical Trainer Manager
With Petromidia since 1978

Do you remember your first day in the company? How did you feel, what did you do?
My first day at Petromidia was on September 12, 1978, a mild autumn day, with a benevolent sun for the endless stretch of sand on the shores of the Black Sea. Here and there, construction sites could be seen, places where the work fronts were being prepared and organized for the construction of the Midia Petrochemical Complex. Often the atmosphere was disturbed by the noise of the compactors that were leveling the land, preparing it for the foundations of the machines and equipment that were to be installed in the new refinery.

Did you have any mentor then? Or who inspired you at the beginning of the journey?
I didn't have any mentor. Each person or colleague has been a source of professional and personal inspiration for me. That time was for everyone a time when we learned from each other. The effervescence of each working day was the source of energy at the beginning of the journey.

What would you like the new generation of colleagues to take from you, the most experienced in the field, and carry forward?
I want the new generation to carry forward the determination, perseverance, and endless desire for knowledge, to reach the highest level in professional perfection.

What do you think is the secret ingredient to being a successful mentor? Are you a mentor with more direct guidance or do you offer more autonomy?
Open communication, encouragement, positive thinking, and a pleasant working environment are the main ingredients for a successful partnership.

What values/skills do you value most at Florentina?
I believe that Florentina will carry on the acquired experience, and I wish that she, in turn, will share her knowledge with others and become the experienced person who can support the development of talented and determined people.


Cristina Florentina Giurcă

Technical Trainer II
With Petromidia since 2022

Tell us briefly, what made you apply to the TogetherWeGrow – Rompetrol Traineeship program?
The first steps in a career are marked by the years of study, when young people outline their passions and discover their talents. The decision to apply to the Traineeship program was the result of an in-depth reflection on my professional direction and the desire to develop my skills in a dynamic and stimulating environment. When I applied, I was still a student, so I also had doubts about my chances of being accepted into a traineeship program, considering that I was in my second year of college.

What was your biggest fear when you came to the company? How did you overcome it?
My biggest concern was the fear of making mistakes when assigned new tasks. I worried that I was able to meet expectations or that I would make mistakes that could affect the team's results or my professional reputation.

How important is it to have a mentor early on, and what is the most important piece of advice you received from your mentor?
A mentor is a source of inspiration and confidence, especially when you are starting your career and facing challenges or uncertainties. Mrs. Laura Ticlete has been by my side since the beginning of my career. In moments of uncertainty, she advised me to be patient in everything I do. Therefore, thanks to her I learned to value each step in my journey and to enjoy each stage of my evolution, both professionally and personally.

What do you think is the most beautiful part of this job?
The best part of this job is that you can constantly develop and always discover new perspectives. Every day gives me the opportunity to collaborate with talented and passionate people, learn from their experiences and contribute together to projects that bring value to the company.

What are the biggest challenges you are currently facing?
In an ever-changing world with access to a wealth of information, it is essential to be able to filter and synthesize relevant information and apply it appropriately in different contexts. In a diverse and multicultural work environment, effective communication and collaboration with colleagues can sometimes present challenges. It is important to develop strong interpersonal communication skills, be open, empathetic and find ways to work effectively together in a diverse team.

What are the values/skills you appreciate the most in your mentor, Mrs. Ticlete?
I could list many of her values, such as empathy - she has the ability to understand and feel the emotions and perspectives of others, effective communications and patience.