Production Manager,
Petrochemicals Divison
In Petromedia since 1986

Do you remember your first day in the company? How did you feel, what did you do?
Even though it's been 38 years since then, I can't forget the first day. It is somewhat similar to the memory of the first day at school, with all the emotional charge, with the impatience and curiosity specific to the age (I had just turned 18) and the moment. We are entering a whole new world with its challenges and demands, a whole universe to explore.

Did you have a mentor then? Who inspired you at the beginning of the path?
It is difficult to define, from the perspective of the present, a specific person whom I would call a mentor in today's sense. But, yes, there were people who guided my steps, gave me the confidence to move on, to evolve and to perform. They were older colleagues, my first foreman, the head of the installation at that time.

What do you think is the secret ingredient of a successful mentor? Are you a mentor with a straightforward guidance or you offer more freedom?
As with leadership, there really is no flawless recipe for being a mentor. In my understanding, there is no such thing as a successful mentor, only trainees/ students/apprentices to whom you have been able to give wings. For me, there is no greater satisfaction than to see, somewhat from the shadows, how the children of some time ago become mature, responsible professionals, trainers in their turn, carrying on a creed, a way of life, a tradition.

What are the values/skills you appreciate the most in Andreea Padureanu?
Passion, seriousness, dedication, curiosity, selflessness and, why not, the stubbornness not to give up. Last but not least, I admire her strength and willingness to discover and recognize what is missing from her knowledge and her desire to learn.



Trainee I - Production
In Petromidia since 2023

Tell us briefly what made you decide to apply for the Together We Grow - Rompetrol Traineeship program.
Since the second year of university, I wanted to participate in a Traineeship program to be able to see the applicability of the information learned at the university. In my third year I decided to submit my CV and luckily I was accepted into the traineeship program of Rompetrol.

What was your biggest concern when you came in the company? How did you overcome?
Fear of the unknown, however, my colleagues helped me with all the necessary information, acquired through their decades of experience.

How important is it to have a mentor early on, and what is the most important piece of advice you received from him?
The mentor plays a key role from my point of view because the start is the most important in any field. If you don't have a wellestablished foundation, it will be difficult later. The most important advice I received from my mentor is to always keep in mind the five "why?" rule.

What are the values/skills you appreciate the most in your mentor Traian Stanica?
His friendly and genuine approach, his excellent communication style, and his constant support in times when we didn’t even think we had a chance to succeed.