Rompetrol proudly marks the 45th anniversary of the Petromidia Refinery, celebrating its transformation into the largest in Romania and one of the most advanced refineries in Southeast Europe. This milestone underscores Rompetrol’s commitment to industrial excellence, innovation, and sustainable development, contributing significantly to both regional and national economies.

The anniversary proceedings involve a classical music concert at Constanta’s landmark cultural venue Oleg Danovski Theater, where the Royal Camerata Orchestra, conducted by Constantin Grigore and accompanied by the Kazakh violinist Erzhan Kulibaev, will offer the audience - employees and community representatives - works by George Enescu, P. Ceaikovski and M. Ravel.

In addition to its industrial achievements, Rompetrol has actively supported for many years local communities through various initiatives in the areas of health, education, social support, environmental protection.

“We are deeply committed to the well-being and development of our local communities, and our investments in CSR projects reflect our dedication to creating a positive and sustainable impact. We are proud of the 45-year journey of Petromidia Refinery and its significant contributions to the local and national economy, including over 4000 direct and indirect jobs created and contributing significantly with taxes to the local and state budgets” – Florian Pop, general manager of Rompetrol Rafinare.

Rompetrol's dedication to education is evident through its support of various projects, all aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Quality Education.

  • Traineeship Programs with thousands of students in the past 20 years, through which the company provides hands-on experience and professional development opportunities to young talent, fostering future industry leaders.
  • National and International Chess School competitions and free chess classes to children from the rural and urban areas of Constanta, to promote intellectual growth and strategic thinking among youth.
  • Access to IT infrastructure provided to rural areas in Constanţa, enhancing educational opportunities for local students, through a project with Daruieste Aripi organization.
  • Support the mission of Teach for Romania in Constanta rural areas.

Rompetrol's commitment to health aligns with SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being. The company has made significant investments to improve healthcare infrastructure and services.

  • Năvodari Medical Center: A $400,000 investment in radiology and gynecology equipment enhanced healthcare services with modern equipment and facility upgrades.
  • Constanţa County Hospital: Rompetrol invested 120,000 USD to improve healthcare facilities, in obstetrics-gynecology ward, ensuring better medical care for the community, a project ran with Daruieste Aripi organization.
  • Medical Unit in Corbu: Rompetrol provided high-performance ophthalmology equipment, improving healthcare services in rural areas.
  • Local partnerships with SMURD Foundation.
  • Other ongoing projects at Pneumophtisology Hospital in Palazu Mare to equip the oncology ward, the acquisition of a mammography equipment for Navodari Medical Unit, acquisition of medical equipment for the emergency ward at Constanta County Hospital.

Rompetrol also supports community development, contributing to SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, through other various actions:

  • Playground in Corbu: The construction of a new playground in Corbu provided a safe and vibrant space for children and families, enhancing community well-being.
  • Beach cleaning actions: Rompetrol employees celebrate annually World Environment Day with a beach cleaning action, showcasing their commitment to environmental health.

Through these projects, Rompetrol demonstrates a strong commitment to the communities it serves, investing annually over 750,000 USD in Constanta alone, reinforcing its role as a responsible corporate citizen and a leader in the energy sector.