Grupul Rompetrol a sprijinit comunitatea din comuna Fitioneşti, judeţul Vrancea, cu aproximativ 30.000 USD pentru modernizarea şi reabilitarea dispensarului medical, prin platforma de responsabilitate socială, Energia vine din suflet. “Grupul Rompetrol se implică activ în viaţa comunităţilor unde îşi desfăşoară activitatea şi susţine în special două direcţii slab finanţate: mediu şi sănătate. Este şi responsabilitatea noastră, a marilor corporaţii să ne implicăm şi să susţinem comunităţile, să avem o societate mai sănătoasă, cu o viaţă mai bună”, declară Gheorghe Georgescu, director general Rompetrol SA. The Rompetrol Group showed its support for the community in Fitioneşti commune, Vrancea County, providing about USD 30,000 for the modernization and rehabilitation of the medical dispensary, by means of the social responsibility platform, Energy comes from the heart. “The Rompetrol Group is actively involved in the life of the communities where it runs its activity, its support aiming mainly two poorly-financed directions, environment and health. It is also our responsibility as great corporations to get involved and provide support for the communities, in order to ensure the premises for a healthier society, with better living conditions”, said Gheorghe Georgescu, General Manager of Rompetrol SA. The medical unit provides medical care services for the 3,000 inhabitants of the commune, most of them being retired people for which traveling to the neighboring towns for treatment is essentially impossible. The building, constructed in 1973, was unsuitable for medical practice, attaining an advanced deterioration state. The local authorities, along with 30 volunteers from the community, got involved and managed to completely recondition the building. The works included the replacement of the roof and windows, as well as painting and thermal insulation. “We appreciate the effort made by The Rompetrol Group for the support provided to our community. The medical dispensary will now be able to provide decent treatment facilities for the 3,000 inhabitants, most of them aged people with reduced incomes”, said Iordache Cazacu, Mayor of Fitioneşti commune. The corporate social responsibility platform „Energy comes from the heart” was launched in 2009, and includes the national program “Together for everyone”, as well as specific projects in the fields of health and environmental protection, the two directions supported by The Rompetrol Group. During 2009 – 2012, the company allocated over USD 1,000,000 only for project development activities through the “Together for everyone” program, for the implementation of 71 projects in all country regions, for the direct benefit of 250,000 people. In 2012, The Rompetrol Group continues its traditional partnerships with the civil society; among them – the commitment to the Foundation for SMURD, by which Rompetrol Refinery provides Jet A1 fuel for the operation of SMURD helicopters, the support for the 2012 Civil Society Gala (where Rompetrol has been the main partner